Denise Kiker


Yes, your daughter can overcome her insecurities about herself, and her anxieties about transitioning into adulthood, to create a life of purpose and joy.


“I help teen girls and young women learn life skills and social emotional intelligence in a way they haven’t before.”

Hi there! I’m Denise Kiker, and I’m a certified Life and Health Coach.

I help teen and young adult women who are struggling with confidence, social anxiety, stress and health.

During any transition or growth in your teen or young adult’s life it can be easy for them to lose a sense of who they are, their worth and where they are heading.

I’m not a therapist. I’m a life coach. I teach young women good habits, essential life skills and healthy coping mechanisms they aren’t learning in school or home.

A note to parents of a teenage girl that needs help acquiring life skills in order to launch into adulthood…

I provide no judgement. With me they have a confidential safe space.

It can be a struggle. I see it, and I know it first hand, as a coach and mom of 2 adult daughters. As a parent you are sometimes just too close to your daughter’s struggle, and they have resistance to you helping them. It’s the age old struggle of teens distancing themselves from their parents who they don’t want telling them what to do. But teens are accustomed to learning from a coach or teacher.

That’s where I come in. A different voice, one without the same skin in the game that you have, unbiased. I help young women understand who they are, who they want to be and how to navigate that gap physically and emotionally.

It’s normal to feel a bit at a loss, or overwhelmed during certain stages of life, for both you and your daughter. Listening and peeling back layers, I work together with your teen to define their goals, and give them actionable steps to achieve them. It can’t be your goals for them; it has to be their goals so they have a desire to work for them. Trust me, teens are aware when they are stuck. They just don’t know what to do about it, or are too fearful of failure to start.

It is an opportunity for your daughter to focus solely on herself. Not in a narcissistic way; but through self improvement and self awareness, as they learn confidence, independence and life skills.

I’m a cheerleader, mentor, and tough love all in one. I provide teens and young adult women a place to work through their fears, challenges and insecurities, so that they feel strong, empowered and worthy.

A note to the teen girl or young college aged woman who feels lost at navigating life on your own, or unworthy and falling behind compared to the picture perfect life you see friends living on social media…

First, it’s a story you’re seeing online. They call them Instagram stories after all!

Here’s a thought about comparison. Your life is your unique path, only to be lived by you and no one else. Life is not a race; it’s a journey. So if we’re all on different paths and we’re not racing, how can we possibly compare our lives, for what’s the true measure of who is ahead? That’s the secret no one knows.

As an insecure girl myself once, I went into adulthood with the same view of myself that I had as a teen, and that crippled me, resulting in poor decision making, based on false assumptions of how the world worked or what other people thought.

I never felt like I was enough. Plagued with insecurity in just about every area of my life as a teen, I know what it’s like to feel lonely, not to have confidence in conducting myself in social situations, to have anxiety about the future. Caught in the comparing trap.

I believe my path to coaching teens and young adults is no coincidence. Because I once shared these same insecurities, I recognize the struggles and fears you have, and have compassion.

Those thoughts and fears were holding me back from living a full happy life. Does that sound like you? Guess what, it took work, I dug deep, and I overcame the insecurities, breaking free. I learned to love myself, the woman I have become and continue to grow into. You can too. I’ll help you!

We are all uniquely and beautifully made.

Get Unstuck. Find Balance. Live Inspired.

Let’s chat! Book a Heart-To-Heart call.*

*Heart-To-Heart initial consultation with the parent or guardian is free, limited to 15 minutes.